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Android Voice

January 262626, 201220122012

It looks like there are a few differnt kinds of apps, some are the sounds that make voices (uk, us etc) and others take what you say and play responses with those voices. I think most apps use a google app to translate what you are saying. So its [google voice recognition]-[Command app]-[Speech app].

SVOX: is a bunch of voices

Ivona: Another voice


It seems google speech recognition requires an online connection so that makes a lot of apps useless for on the go. vlingo had its own system but needed to be online the only option I found was to compile some linux code which I never got into.


pocket assistant: everfired: evil moneywares

pocket blond: same evil company as pocket assistant


talk to me classic: takes what you say, translates, speaks back in another language, requires other voice/internet

translatezilla: hears your words, converts language, speaks them, requires net

Tourist language learn and speak: very cool, translates and read a bunch of common sayings

cuebrain: translations and spoken word but only speaks english with my engine


good morning: alarm thats reads some text, date, time, can do rss and weather.

Wakevoice: reads rss, horoscopes, weather, time on alarm clock wake up


announcerfy++: supposed to read incoming text, couldnt get to work

Talking caller ID: speaks whos calling

Voice Caller ID: speaks who calling

drivecarefully: reads you sms and email while you drive, didnt work for me must be my settings

speak it: read sms, didnt work again


WebTalks: reads you rss feeds, not bad

Talking calender Free: reads your events

moon reader+: aparently the full version can read books, will look at in ebook reader section

book speach audio book: crappy


talkadroid lite: talks the text you type in a box

super text to speech: talks the text in the box

droid talker: talks text from text box


evi: still in alpha

start talking: command app, not very good

evan/eva: command app

vlingo:okish command app

skyvi: command app

Voice Action Plus/jeannie: interesting chat program, can launch some tasks, talks with wolfmanalpha

speaktoit: another speaking program with some features

iris: conversation with minor features

so give these ones a try




couldnt download in my country, and market enabler didnt help:

dragon go

alice, think its german




So basically, for me, all the command apps where as bad as siri, the technology of this stuff is still to buggy for me, I hate saying ‘call jan’ and it auto dials jen. It is really worth it to get some custom voices because some apps are really good like ezPDF that will read your pdf’s for you. The better the voice the less annoying. There also good for navigation apps, the alarm clocks where neat, the sms app’s ill have to look at later because something wasn’t working. The translation apps where worthless because they require internet, and who has internet when your in the hills of kawalanstan. The “speak the text” apps where only good for making ransom calls. Some command apps like Jeannie where fun to use just for conversation.

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