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Android Upnp

January 262626, 201220122012

UPNP is universal plug and play, meaning you can connect your android with a bunch of certified devices. I guess I’ll try set up my PC as the server and stream things from here, its good if you need to turn high def. blue ray into smaller formats your phone/tablet can play and stream it live. I already looked at some live streams in the sound section and will look at more file sharing in the network section. Works over wifi.


2Player: this one plays music through windows 7 homegroup. To and From phone to computer.

BubbleUpnp: lots of options, you can stream all your videos and music through this, couldn’t figure out how to refresh it though, so when I put a new video in the folder it wouldn’t show up.

Skifta: another one where you play your music and videos through the wifi, may need login

other options are: plex, andromote, homedia, homemedia, probably more

xbmc: a remote for home setup options


Not looking into this any further I would rather find a wifi LAN option I can just play the files straight from the folder, this seems good if you had an android TV or Tablet though, or a linux dedicated home theater.

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