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Android Dictionaries/Wiki/Translate:

January 252525, 201220122012

Dictionays, if you can’t tell, I need one. So as usual I want something that will work offline. no offline that I could find

Virens Dictionary: good clean lookup, cons: no pinch to zoom, cant copy text, no translation

offline dictionary: Can translate, can copy, no pinch, no linking to other words

Merrian-Webster: A good english dictionary, has pinch, no translation, no copy

Advanced English and thesaurus: ok dictionary, can zoom, cant copy entire text

***** liked:

colordict – good, can download lots of packs, interesting

Dictionary, farlex: only english works in offline but very comprehensive, allows selective copying

advanced dictionary: will keep just for language training flash cards

arrd: the wiki reader, download small or large wiki files and read them, sadly cant copy text yet


So nothing gave me everything so I have to use a combination, colordict was ok for quick translation but I use advanced dictionary because it has flash cards for learning language. Dictionary by farlex was the one to use for copying text and has a nice UI which use’s something similar to wordnet database. Arrd is the ulitmate, you can search a word then view that word first in wiki then in wordnet or a host of other dictionaries. The simple offline wiki is 100mb and the large is 8gb, I’ll download the large one if I ever get a 64gb microsdxc card. All of these are free.

I can imagine going back in time with a solar recharger and the 8gb wiki and industrializing the world in a year. Maybe have a giant system of scribes who distribute the info, frantically copying and distributing to teams to educate…. or be burned as a heritic

So, I’m just keeping Arrd for now and might use advanced dictionary for traveling.

Edit: I just found another called quickdic, basically like an old school language dictionary in one large scrollable searchable form.

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