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Android News/RSS Readers

January 191919, 201220122012

NewsRoom RSS reader- interesting, bit basic

Feedr – has widget only titles, na

rzz- not great

AtomaRSS -not great

minimal reader- to minimal

newsrob – best so far, no widget

google reader- crappy widget, ok for reading but just drops them all in the same catagory

mobo world news – ok widget, very fluid layout, better than newsrob

Feedly-to simple

pulse- was ok

greader – its ok

my6sense needs login

sparse: to sparse

taptu: seems good.

OK so I had a second look at them all, what it came down to was the widget, taptu was the only one where I could customize and view a bunch of stories and scroll through them all. Also it has offline viewing. Plus you have to watch the promo vid.

Winner for me: Taptu

EDIT: OK, after use this a while I cant zoom in to view comics and dont use the widget so I might use Pulse for a bit, no tried pulse and cant find where to insert private rss’s. Google currents just came out and you can get the apk at xda but it doesnt save the offline large images. SMBC-Comics is a good test for rss readers.

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