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January 151515, 201220122012

Next thing to do was get a custom ROM and Kernel. I looked in the develop section of xda. I got confused. There was no up to date guide about which was the best one so I just looked at everyone’s signature and found the most popular choice’s. The main options where a leaked stock (and variations with mods) or CM7 and MIUI (both with variations for the 2x).

So I went with CM7 to check it out, then found the most popular thread. I gathered ‘Kang’ was slang for custom build. Downloaded temasek’s latest ‘Kang’ build. Then went and got the ironkrnl kernel. There where 3 options each with a ‘ram hack’ which takes memory allocated for the gpu and free’s it up? Anyway the 32mb hack seemed the least extreme (would not allow software reboots).

At this point I had to drive to the store to get an SD card, it seemed to get a good deal on 32gb class 10 the only option was an online order so I just got a 8gb class 4 from the shop. Loaded the 90mb ROM and small kernel onto the sd card, inserted. Power off. Power on while holding power and volume down. CMW would start. Wipe and factory reset> clear cache> clear darvik cache>install from sd card, install the rom. I rebooted then went back to CWM and installed the kernel. Everything seemed to go ok.

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