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Beginning software stuggle.

January 151515, 201220122012

With the new kernel and Rom installed the phone works ok, I have not even had time to go buy a SIM card, but there’s much to do before I even bother with that.

Google apps does not come with CM7 so I had to goto their page and download it, put it on the external card, goto CWM again and flash it. This gave me access to the market again. I need to learn how to streamline this process so I only install Market and not any of the other apps.

The camera app on CM7 is stuck on 30fps and will not do 24fps which is what I want to cut videos into my older work. This is because Nvidia wont release open source drivers. Thing might change when ICS comes out. My only option is to go back to a stock Rom. I used to think Nvidia was cool…

I dont usually text much, hardly get calls and will not be using a data plan, so this phone will be basically a tablet on wifi with some txt capability. I’ll get some offline maps for gps navigation.

Trying to learn what apps to get is hell. Looking at the business insider list was the worst, they recommend all the apps that require roaming and sync all your personal data with a remote server, the thing I’m trying to avoid.

A lot of sites are just as bad recommending the usual ‘facebook, twitter and angry birds’ like I wouldn’t know there was a facebook app, and angry birds is hardly a good game for this phone, better of with GTA3. So far I’ve trolled the xda forums and made a giant list of everyones ‘top 10’. Ill get back on how it goes.


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